So, I've tried it before but never continued so here I go again!
Welcome to my new website, soon to be home to all manner of content - hopefully video in addition to writing!
Join me on my healing journey as I grow and become the me I want to be.
Why now?
This past year has been one of the darkest and most confusing of my life. I've battled demons I never knew I had.
Despite being a former communications professional who wrote blogs for other people, I've never been one with a desire to live in the spotlight. However, as a now largely housebound person, it's time for a new start.
So here I am :) I hope that perhaps my experiences and perspectives will shed light on different topics.
You can definitely expect
My healing journey
Five nights at Freddy's theorising - a passion project of mine right now
Social justice and diversity related mutterings
Psychology insight
Media analysis and review