(This blog post will be updated with new examples and information)
Did you know that the narrative metaverse is already here? Depending on how much you enjoy media analysis, this may surprise you or be totally obvious.
From a literary point of view, many pieces of fiction hold commonalities via the use of symbolism. Symbolism is the use of symbols or concepts to represent ideas or qualities. Naturally, many basic symbols - especially universal or nature based ideas - reoccur over and over again in fiction, creating a sort of secret language that runs parallel to a main narrative. Via symbolism (and other techniques like themes or metaphor), a piece of fiction may have multiple layers of meaning or ways of being read.
For example, a movie may use light and shadow to foreshadow character motives before this is shown in the plot. Likewise, song lyrics may mention a symbol to imbue deeper, hidden meanings when you read between the lines.
If you are a storyteller or just an appreciator of fiction, understanding symbolism can enhance your experience of an artistic work.
Here is a quick cheat sheet (not exhaustive!) to some of the most common, basic symbols and their meanings.
Associated with good (as opposed to evil) and truth
Illuminates the darkness
Reveals the way forward
Makes the unseen visible
Religious connotations such as with God in Christianity
Provides no place to hide
Blinds or stuns
Reveals secrets
Provides a hiding place
Enables people to sleep
Linked to ignorance - actions done in the dark are unseen
Opportunity to sneak around unseen
Associations with evil and deception
Unseen danger
Hidden motives or actions
Shadows have associations with past misdeeds and mistakes
Music of the Night from Phantom of the Opera effectively subverts (i.e does the opposite) expectations by romanticizing darkness and the night.
Centre of the universe - planets revolve around it
Provides warmth and light
Associations with life and growth - plants require the sun to live
Reliable in that it is always present
Too hot to touch or visit
Harsh sunlight can cause drought, stifle growth or burn
Light in the darkness
Reliable in that it is always present
Orbits a planet
Associations with deception and darkness
Full moon has associations with supernatural (e.g werewolves, magic ritual)
Shining light in the darkness
Provides direction - stars were used to navigate in the past
Associated with fame and stardom
Far away, untouchable
A world of its own
Orbits the sun
Associations with aliens, mythology and astrology
A period of bad weather, potentially with wind, rain, snow, thunder and lightning
Often used as a metaphor for physical or emotional trouble
Can have positive associations in settings where rain
A flash of light preceding thunder
A sudden illumination or an epiphany
Part of a storm - negative associations
Associations with speed and electricity
An echoing rumble of loud noise
Associations with the aftermath of a revelation (thunder follows lightning)
Often perceived as ominous or a sign of danger, especially within films and the horror genre
Positive associations with heaven
Associations with sadness or gloom
Generally negative associations including confusion, deception or obscured perception
Positive associations with watering plants, rebirth, renewal and other general water benefits
Associated with sadness and dread
Beautiful but potentially deadly
Can bury and cloak an area
Positive associations with purity, purification and rebirth
Often represents 'cold emotions' such as sadness and frostiness
An unseen force that pushes in a direction
Seen as changeable - often associated with a change of heart or decision
A divine entity that is all-knowing, all-seeing and everpresent
A powerful creator and decider of destiny
Has the power of ultimate judgment
Associations with powerful humans such as superheroes, those in authority and storytellers
A servant of evil
A supernatural entity
Associated with enemies or 'sinful' people
Can represent sins or crimes that haunt a person
The ultimate source of evil
Torturer of judged souls
Master of hell
Intangible, dead, haunting, spirituality
A passed-on entity
Associated with the concept of regrets and echoes from the past
An untouchable spectrum of colours
Refracted light
Associated with luck, hope, rebirth
Solid, stable, tangible, immovable
Needed for plants to grow
Mud is seen as symbolic of a difficult, sticky or messy situation
Flows, flexible, soothes, cleanses
Necessary for life
Quenches thirst and cleans
Associated with tears and emotion, especially sadness
Intangible, invisible, unseen force
Necessary for life
Gives light and warmth
Required to cook food
Ritualistic and emotional connotations
Too hot to touch
Burns on contact
Consumes everything in its path
A strong, vast force of nature that cannot be tamed
Thriving underwater ecosystem
Always changing and moving
Capable of drowning those who are ill-prepared
Saltwater is associated with tears and emotion
Associated words: Tide, wave, current
Where the land meets the sea
Safety, danger, holidays, welcomes and goodbyes, opportunities, adventures
Stable, immovable, a landmark
Associated with climbing and height
A vantage point
Often represents an obstacle or challenge
Life, growth, nature
See individual plants for specific associations
Life, age, growth, stability, knowledge
Associated words: Roots, branches, leaves
An unconscious state (literal or metaphorical)
A state of blindness or delusion
Imagery caused by an unconscious or altered state
A state of unreality or delusion
A wish, goal or vision
Horror-themed imagery caused by an unconscious or altered state
A sense of horror, struggle or trauma
The worst case scenario